Cat Friendly Plants
There are more than 391,000 species of plants on the planet. We make sure to research the best cat-friendly plants for our catios. Here are our list of cat-friendly plants we've come across in our search.
(Asparagus aethiopicus syn. Asparagus densiflorus)
Growing an asparagus fern is easy; when growing an asparagus fern outside, make sure to place them in part sunny and part shady location for the best foliage growth. This plant thrives on humidity, make sure to keep asparagus ferns well watered to prevent the soil from completely drying out..
(Pachira aquatica)
Place your money tree in a spot that receives a lot of bright, but indirect sunlight. Too much sunlight can lead to sunburnt leaves. To avoid root rot, a money tree needs a sandy, peat-moss-based soil and a pot with good drainage. Although it likes humidity in general, you should let its soil dry out between watering.
(Nephrolepis Exaltata)
This plant prefers filtered light and high humidity levels. Water frequently to keep the soil evenly moist. During the summer, make sure to water them both in the morning and evening, to keep the soil moist.
(Soleirolia Soleriolii)
This unique plant goes by a few different names. This plant is child and pet safe and produces lots of tinny white flowers. Always keep the soil of a Baby Tear's plant moist but never soggy. If the soil stays too wet, the stems quickly rot. Feed every two weeks in the spring and summer when a Baby's Tears plant is actively growing. These plants like bright indirect light, but no direct sun.